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Spring 2025: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2024: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Spring 2024: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Spring 2024: Computing Engineering Ethics《计算工程伦理》
Fall 2023: Generative Models:Principles and Applications《生成模型原理与应用》
Fall 2023: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2022: Generative Models:Principles and Applications《生成模型原理与应用》
Fall 2022: CProgramming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2021: CProgramming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2020: CProgramming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2020: ComputationalMethods for Biological Networks《生物网络计算方法》
Fall 2019: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2019: ComputationalMethods for Biological Networks《生物网络计算方法》
Fall 2018: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2018:Computational Methods for Biological Networks《生物网络计算方法》
Fall 2017: Statistical Methods for Intelligent InformationProcessing 《智能信息处理的统计方法》
Fall 2017: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Spring 2017: Computational Intelligence 《计算智能》
Fall 2016: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Spring 2016: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2015: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2014: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Spring 2014: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2013: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Spring 2013: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Spring 2012: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2012: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Spring 2011: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2010: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2010: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2009: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2009: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2008: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2008: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2007: Introduction to Database Systems《数据库引论》
Fall 2007: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2007: Introduction to Database Principles《数据库原理》(复旦成教)
Spring 2007: Advanced Distributed Computing 《高级分布计算》
Spring 2007: Data Mining: Techniques and Applications《数据挖掘技术与应用》
Fall 2006: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Fall 2006: Database Management Systems 《数据库管理系统》
Spring 2006: Advanced Distributed Computing 《高级分布计算》
Spring 2006: Data Mining: Techniques and Applications《数据挖掘技术与应用》
Fall 2005: C Programming Language《程序设计》
Spring 2005: Advanced Network Computing
Spring 2004: Advanced Network Computing, Database andKnowledge Base
Fall 2003: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Spring 2003: Network Computing
Fall 2002: Database and Knowledge Base